Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's only natural...

I have to give a disclaimer on this post. This post is about sex. If you are uncomfortable with that subject, you really should stop reading.If you don't want to know about my sex life (or lack there of) stop reading. If you still believe that babies are made in a magic fairy land then delivered by some flying, giant bird...stop reading. But if you are able to realize that people have sex, and most likely judging form two offspring I have produced that at some point I have had sex, then you can read on. Even though sex and kids go hand and hand, one is not always conducive to the other. While more sex can mean more kids, rarely does more kids lead to more sex. (If you have experienced otherwise, you need to share your secret to all, or just share what pills you are on.) Before kids, I remember lazy Saturdays that we didn't get out of bed till noon (or later) This would be after a fun filled Friday night. And then even some more fun that evening, (or the shower, or after the shower, or while trying to get dressed...you get the picture)Just you and the hubs. Not fast forward to 2 kids later and Fridays are filled with trying to get the baby down before midnight. And if you accomplish this feat, it ends with you just passing out from pure exhaustion, only to be woken up all during the night by someone who just wants to suck on your boobs (and it's not your husband)Then Saturday is reserved for family fun time. And if, by some miracle, you have any energy Saturday night to try to have sex, someone always wakes up right at the exact wrong moment. Before kids, Michael going back to work on his lunch break with either a different shirt, or his shirt on inside out meant a little afternoon fun and may have won him some knowing winks from co workers. Now, it only means he got spit up on, peed on, or pooped on.
It also can take a lot of fun out of sex. It would not be uncommon to hear this conversation in a house with kids. "Kids down? Yup, ready? Yup, hey remind me to throw a load of clothes in after. *a minute or so goes by while you try to be romantic or get in the mood* Crap is that one of them waking up? I think so, lets just get this over with then you can grab the laundry and I will get the kid." Not exactly a scene from a romance novel, is it?
So why this wonderful glimpse into my love life? Because sex with kids can be fun too. For one, I co sleep with Kira (ok not really but her bassinet is right next to the bed. I mean, it's touching the bed) so this makes getting creative about where sex takes place as we don't have a bedroom (it may help not to think about this too much if you come over to my house) Also, you have to be quiet. Can't wake up the kids. This usually leads to lots of giggling as you are tripping around your house in the dark, naked. (just don't step on a lego, totally kills the mood) You learn to be spontaneous and seize the moment. And it can even get you out of chores. If by some miracle the kids are both asleep on a Saturday afternoon, you can usually convince your husband that there are better things to do than clean the kitchen or laundry (though he can remind you after) :)


  1. Love your honesty :) Oh, and I do think more kids can lead to more sex.... every time we have another kid we see how amazing our God is, how blessed we are and we end up falling more in love. Also, I found after kids we could communicate better about our likes, which totally makes quality go up even if quantity goes down temporarily.

    Thanks for writing about such real life topics, ~Ang

  2. Love this! It made me laugh and brought back memories! Once the kids were older (like HS and involved with their own life) it was almost like being newlyweds again. Older wiser more comfortable newlyweds!
    Of course, now we are in our 50's and the challenge is feeling physically up to having sex!!
