Saturday, May 28, 2011

The 3 P's of motherhood

So I had someone message me about my blog. She said she got the feeling that I was feeling my life was unremarkable. She was right. I do feel like that. And before all you stay at home moms get in a huff know this, I know we have one of the most important jobs in the world. We are raising up the next generation of this country and how we raise them is going to make a world of difference but in the here and now, when I have been peed on so many times today that I have lost count, I feel trapped. I love my girls. I would die for them and I would kill for them. There are moments when I am watching them that I think my heart just might break if I loved them anymore. But there are days in which I wish I wasn't a mom. That I had my carefree life again. When I thought what my future would hold when I was in high school or even my early 20s it did not involve pee, poop, or puke. Well...maybe the puke, but that would have been because I had one too many beers in Germany or a bad bottle of wine in France. Not because everyone in my house has the stomach flu and they want me to hold them while they are sick. Now I don't want a million responses about how I should love being a stay at home mom and that this is part of the sacrifice for the future and the love your children give you makes everything worth it get the point. I think all moms would be lying if they said they had NEVER thought about what their life would be like without their kids. We just learn to cope. Some cook, some drink, some write and for people like me, I drink and write. Now if you will excuse me, my wine glass is empty and I have to go wash some diapers :)

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see that you aren't afraid to tell the truth. You're right, motherhood is the best and worst job ever. When I see people on facebook who only post things like how much they love their kids and how much they love being a mommy, it makes me want to yack. And don't even get me started on the employed people who say stay at home moms have it easier. I miss my freedom too sometimes. That's why date nights are a must! Then you can go out and, for a couple of hours, pretend you don't have any kids ;)
